Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Shout out!!

I woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather and unproductive today. Why today of all days? Well, Today is my fathers birthday, well it would have been my fathers birthday, you see he passed on 3 years ago. Those that were there thru the times of me making the Vintage Album probably understand the pain I go thru this time every year since his passing, and those who are new let me explain why. See, a while back I had a motorcycle accident which left me in a wheel chair for 4 months, the fucked up part was not so much the accident. However, it was the timing more than anything. I had just began recording my album Vintage when I found myself in a wheelchair in the hospital and basically feeling like damn. I mean I finally got the funds to drop this album and then this happens WOW!! Well when I got out the hospital i was just in the living room stuck bored watching of all things the World Cup haha, when my father decided to go in the studio. I didn't ask him to he just got up and went in there, and began moving the furniture around so I could maneuver my wheelchair to my workstation. And when he finished he came back in sat down and we watched the soccer game. No words or nothing, my father was like that he would say a very little unless he was mad or cracking jokes. Anyway, after he set it up I went in there and began making beats and what not, and actually it felt good to be back around music because I was taking it for granted when I was walking. Soon after my homies began dropping thru recording verses and in between recording we would chill with my parents who stayed at my house from time to time to help me out while I healed up. Yea those were the best of times. You see, my father wasn't really big on hip hop but as long as it kept me off the streets and away from the life I once lived, he was cool with it. Well back to the subject... So I am recording getting online interviews and everything and I am like 2 months from finishing the project. By now I am walking on crutches and healing up pretty good, I mean it's like that music was my therapy and my father knew that it would motivate me I believe that's why he set that room up for me. Anyway, the album is complete and 1 month from pressing when....BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad gets sick and soon after he dies. It happened so fast, I mean I was so close to completion and DAMN!!!!!!! I mean WTF?? WHY... Sadly he never got to hear the completed album. But I dedicate every session ever recorded in my studio to that man. My father James T Hines, because he was the reason I never stopped recording even when I couldn't stand on my own. I would make beats and rap in my wheelchair, and eventually rap in a walker, and now I stand on my own. Because he showed me that no matter how bad things are you can always get up. So I am going to end this with a HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to My Dad...........

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